BFJN History
BFJN bridges the gap for Christians between personal religious commitment and action toward economic and social justice by fostering a dialogue about money while presenting practical lifestyle shifts that most Americans can begin to make.
We use the term "economic discipleship” to describe the process by which we follow Jesus with our money.
The mission of BFJN is to bring Christians together to live simply and generously in pursuit of a more just world. We gather Christians from many different traditions sharing a common concern to love our neighbor through economic discipleship and just action. BFJN engages Christians to think about our resources, from the money we earn, to the things we buy, to the places we live, and we offer opportunities for action and reflection, from collective giving opportunities, to Bible study and community-building, to peer learning events.
In the winter of 2005, several Boston-area Christians were introduced to each other by a Sojourners/Call to Renewal organizer. Many of these people had been involved in the Call to Renewal and were eager to translate the national movement to overcome poverty into a vibrant local effort. They recognized that few Christian churches have been capable of practicing justice holistically. Broadly speaking, mainline churches have a deep tradition of social engagement on behalf of the poor. Evangelical churches have learned to build rich bonds of community and invite personal commitment to God. Many churches struggle to exercise all of these gifts.
Yet, these people believed that the power to live out God’s mission in the world must come from Christians embracing social engagement, deep community and personal faith together. From this Call to Renewal-inspired meeting grew an organization, the Boston Faith and Justice Network (BFJN).
Rachel Hope Anderson served as the first Executive Director of BFJN!
Rachel moved on and Ryan McDonnell came on board to serve as Executive Director.
Five years later, Christa Lee-Chuvala and Elizabeth Grady-Harper came on as Co-Executive Directors and picked up where Ryan left off.
Christa transitioned to a new opportunity, however stayed actively engaged in the mission of BFJN as a Board Member. Elizabeth continued to carry the charge as the sole Executive Director and staff of BFJN.
Our Micah Six:Eight service-learning program officially launched!
Ivy Long came on board serving part-time as BFJN's Assistant Executive Director.
The first year BFJN decides to have distinct "focus areas" under the umbrella of social justice - maximizing our knowledge and understanding of climate change and housing justice.
Andrew Fassett joins BFJN as the Community Engagement Coordinator.
A collaboration is built between BFJN and the Faith Leaders for Housing Justice (FL4HJ), a coalition of Boston area faith leaders (lay people and clergy members with backgrounds in public health, social work and ministry) collecting and sharing information and stories about issues facing people with housing insecurity.
Poverty is determined as the "focus area" for the year allowing staff and the BFJN community to grow in understanding both from a practical and Biblical perspective and find ways to engage to make a difference.
Established the Housing Insecurity Team (formerly known as FL4HJ) as a formal part of BFJN.
The Boston Faith & Justice Network becomes an official 501(c)3 and plans to focus on housing justice for the year!
Media Information
For media inquiries, please contact
The work of the Boston Faith & Justice Network has been featured in a variety of publications:
Religious News Service - February 2021
Duke Divinity Faith & Leadership - September 2019
The Living Church - February 2013
Christian Science Monitor - January 2012 & February 2009
Sojourners God’s Politics Blog - June 2011
Huffington Post - May 2011